Product Information

Halotestin 10mg

Halotestin 10mg

10 mg/tablet | 50 total tablets

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Halotestin 10mg

Description: Fluoxymesterone in a pressed tablet application. Halotestin comes with an anabolic rating that is about 19 times more powerful than testosterone. Halotestin excels at boosting strength significantly and for that reason it can be valued by competitive strength athletes. Greatly enhanced strength is the most important and desired effect of Halotestin and often the sole reason that a bodybuilder will choose to use it. The massive boost in strength and energy mainly comes from the effect of Halotestin on red blood cell function.

Dose: 10 mg/tablet | 50 total tablets

Effective Time: 9.5 hours

REG: $155.00
SALE: $109.00